19 October 2005

It is Sanding Outside

OK I took these pictures at 1:oo PM GMT +3. Basically, that means directly after stuffing my belly full of food. It was orange outside. Maybe God was watching the Sadam trial on T.V. and let out a big Doritos burp. Whatever is going on it is getting dirt everywhere.


At Thursday, 20 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, doritos always make me burp orange all over everywhere too.

At Friday, 21 October, 2005, Blogger mugg said...

way to suck in that gut and stick out that chest soldier. lookin good for a broken down g.i. joe. that orange glow has inspired me to sip on an orange soda pop. would you like an orange soda pop? would you like popcorn and pop? candycanes and caramel bars? perhaps a fun-dip? oh, dont hesitate, just grab it. no one will notice. eat a little sugar. its good. say cheese! CHEEEEEEEEEEEESE.

At Wednesday, 26 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You old war dog! I see you've developed some "man cans", Sweet!
Looks like the easy life is catching up with you. Is your belly is tied in with 550 cord?

Your Baghdaddy

At Wednesday, 16 November, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ryan..
I enjoyed catching up on what is going on with you and your blog... I hope that all is well.. Talk to you soon!
Go Bucks... Beat Michigan!


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