09 August 2005

Don't Hurt the Ladies

I got all kinds of love for you if you read my blog, and I really appreciate when you respond. There are some very upstanding ladies who I happen to be related to, and friends with that read my blog as well. They are all very sweet and I would hate for them to stumble across perverted nonsense that someone posts as a reply to something I wrote. Please think about my little sisters, my mom, my step mom, my grammy, my aunts, and all of my friends who are women. I got love for them too, and I don't want them to read gross stuff. We must take care of the ladies, otherwise they might all disappear. I cannot begin to describe how much motivation I would loose if all the ladies disappeared. It reminds me of this episode of South Park that went terribly wrong. Lets do ourselves all a favor and keep the females happy. Plus, I don't want to have to delete any more posts.
Your Friend,


At Wednesday, 10 August, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will do well to keep us females appeased. And by the way, your Grammy is awesome.

At Wednesday, 10 August, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya, there are only a few crude friends that ryan seems to engage. i on the contrary am not one of those horrifying prodigals. i would never write such idiotic, nonsense. i have a higher standard.

And im famished,
Sir Michael Joseph Schroeder the VIth.

At Thursday, 11 August, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha i bet it was you, you little snob. Sir Dork Rod #1 Jr.

At Friday, 12 August, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute... don't ALL episodes of South Park go horribly wrong?? That's what makes them funny, or something.

At Saturday, 13 August, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who called me sir dork rod?

man up.

At Saturday, 13 August, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was Sir Dork Rod #1 Jr.

At Saturday, 13 August, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you will admit that you are worthy of the name I gave you, then I will tell you who I am.

At Saturday, 13 August, 2005, Blogger rhoggman said...

The South Park episode was hilarious, but it did go terribly wrong. They did however reduce themselves to all becoming gay, and that's only part of the worst part. I have to stop now before I brake my own rules.

At Saturday, 15 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, everyone seemed to notice this blog. I agree, though, if you aren't nice all the ladies just might disappear. Or at least all the females worthy of being called ladies would, which is about the same because the ones that were left were probably evil enough to not might comments that most would choose to delete.


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