21 August 2010

God and His Minions

The enemies of God, and the enemies of men have not often found allies among one another; however, it is the mistake of man to believe that he can discern the truth of such things. As such a great conflict is arising, and a subtle hate is brewing in the heart's of children everywhere. It is always the position of the child to become a subject, to be enslaved, and yet live on for the sake of peace. Who will hear the command? Who will lead us into battle? Who will comfort us when the storm rages? We have frivolous wars, and we have Wars. We have ideas, and we have Missions. We have nothing without Him.

27 April 2009


How is it that the company (Baxter), that contaminated flu vaccines and sent them all around the world is now creating a new vaccine for the pig flu "pandemic".

Where is Alice? Is this Wonderland?

"Baaahhhhh", said the sheeple.

04 February 2009

Random Thoughts on Self Defense

We now live in touchy feely world where animals are people (except for cows, pigs, chickens, lambs and a few others), where men are women (vice versa), morality is subjective, and heroes are people like ganbangers, rapists, juvenile delinquent sports stars, and Harvey Milk. Does it really surprise you that someone feels bad for a violent criminal or equates their worth in the world to any other human being? The Scales of Justice need major calibrating, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Oh yeah, and Berny Maddof is still free, but I guarantee if you lift a candy bar from 711 your going to end up in the slammer.

What is a person to think? What are we all supposed to believe? What is left to believe in? People are confused! We now live in world where so many things are contradicted by the next "event", that most people have just accepted the fact that they are merely along for the ride.

It is impossible to make sense of it all, and I am convinced it is not supposed to make sense. The liquefying of your brain matter is all part of the "agenda".

My favorite thing currently on the chopping block is the whole "bailout" scenario. That fact that it continues is evidence to me that Americans have mostly lost their ability to think critically.

Moral of the story is I applaud anyone who has the stones to rid the world of a slug(violent criminal), in a lawful situation. The act of doing so, or the willingness to do so is proof that you have not lost your ability to reason, and that you still understand morality as not defined by a post-modern zombie citizen.

30 January 2009

RUGER LCP... Small .380 Auto for Concealed Carry

The Ruger LCP (Lightwieght Carry Pistol) is a 9.4 ounce semi-automatic handgun chambered for the .380 Auto cartridge. This little gun is intended mainly for concealed carry, and its small form factor is a testament to its pocket-ability.

I bought mine at a gun show from Dark Sun Surplus out of Richmond, VA for $329. Not bad for what you get.

I currently have only 50 rounds of FMJ through the little guy, but had no issues whatsoever.

Easy to take down, and easy to clean, fairly accurate inside of 20 yards, and not much recoil, although it does snap a little. A diminutive round like the .380 ACP can kick a little when it is coming out of a 9.4 ounce pistol.

All in all I was pretty impressed. I believe this is a great little gun for throwing in your back pocket or leaving in your vehicle.

23 July 2008

Are We Duped?

In his “Economic Consequences of the Peace” John Maynard Keynes wrote:

“Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily and, while the process impoverishes many, it enriches some. The sight of this arbitrary arrangement of riches strikes not only at security, but at confidence in the equity of distribution of wealth. Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overthrowing the existing order of society than debauching the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.”

22 July 2008


Obama said something very scary, and it is quoted in Chicago newspaper......

I can't believe this is not getting any attention....

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," he said Wednesday. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

This has to be the most rediculous thing I have ever heard come from a politician. Somebody needs to figure out who this guy thinks he is before he gets elected and turns America into a very very bad place.


15 July 2008

Gold is Too Expensive???

The American Dollar is in a freefall again today as the world loses faith in the paper dollar. So let me ask, when the dollar loses value do prices have to go up? Do commodities actually cost more? Does Value change?
I am not an economist, but common sense would tell you that real value doesn't have to change for the price to go up. For real money (like gold and silver) the value is already there. What is changing is the dollar stupid!
So if you make a bet on gold or silver, or even gas for that matter, are you making a bet on gold, silvewr, or oil, or are you make a bet against the dollar?
I don't give investment advice to people, but good God.... Gold is not expensive; Oil is not expensive; Silver is not expensive; The US Dollar is freakin worthless.
It is amazing to me that the network news stations have been able to keep the general public on a leash. People have no clue what is going on. WEALTH IS DISSAPPEARING INTO THIN AIR!!!!
If you are going to save MONEY, now is not the time to save it in greenbacks. Store your money where people have trusted it for most of the last 4,000 years.
Remember.... even in the US, gold and silver was real money 75 years ago. So before you go calling a gold bug crazy pick up a book.
If you want to watch your wealth evaporate.... The best way to do it is in the NYSE, or as an alternative you could just burry some money in a coffee can.
Either way the transfer has begun.... Own gold, Own silver.... Not paper, Not certificates, Not broken promises.

25 June 2008

Inflation... The Evil Flesh Eating Disease

When you think about rising fuel prices, and the ever increasing burden upon your empty stomach; when you think about the plight of the consumer, and the pocketbook pillaging of the common man know who wages this war against you. Know that unfortunate events have not mistakenly fallen upon you. Know that flag toting wolves in patriot's clothing have stripped you of your livliehood. Know that nearly every man and woman gracing the halls of our Congress should be wearing a badge of shame for their mishandling of the principles for which they are sworn to uphold, and know that greed is the abismal epicenter from which this monster of mayhem has arisen.
First they passed the 16th Ammendment so they could take your money directly from you. Then they made you trade in your gold and silver money and wiped away the promise that your money was actually worth something. They sold off the wealth that was once America's and traded it for a fractional reserve banking system run by private bankers. They slowly debased your currency, and inflation made it pointless for you to save your money without "investing". Instead of buying things with money you have saved they decided to sell you your own dreams.
You were once an American, and now you are a pennyless fool.
Selling dreams is very profitable.... especially when you have the power to create the dream with a printing press, but this could only last so long. The manipulation of fiat money backed by nothing has a limit.
What happens now when people can't pay their bills? Uh... banks can't pay their bills.... When banks can't pay their bills they go bankrupt. When banks go bankrupt, they leave mountains of unpaid debt which only makes waves instead of ripples appear on the surface of the inflationary sea.
Buy Gold and silver while you still can!

22 May 2008

Colour Calendar for MOSS/ WSSv3

Travel on over to http://www.codeplex.com/ . There you will find many free open source projects. Colour Calendar by Mark Wilson is a cool addon for MOSS. This allows you the ability to color code Calendars with the use of added content types, a list, and a webpart. Thanks Mark of http://planetwilson.blogspot.com


14 May 2008

Convert .dmg > .iso

Helpful for creating images made on a MAC usable in Windows


hdiutil convert /path/to/filename.dmg -format UDTO -o /path/to/savefile.iso


Replace /path/to/filename.dmg with the path and name of the existing .DMG file, and replace /path/to/savefile.iso with the desired path and name for the converted image.


30 November 2007

Ron Paul is Ronald Regan on Steroids

In his book "The Age of Turbulence Adventures in a New World" on pg.93, Alan Greenspan quotes Ronald Regan Regan asking then Chairmen of the Fed Volcker, "I'm curious. People are asking why we need a Fed at all."

American Aporia, State of Confusion

"wealth does not bring goodness, but goodness brings wealth and every other blessing, both to the individual and to the state" -Socrates

Could it be that the decline of the dollar, and the sub prime mess are directly related to a decrease in "goodness" both at the level of the state, and the individual? Citing sources or referencing science are irrelevant in a perceived level or amount of "goodness" considering the measure is objective. However; I think it is safe to say that the average American shares a growing sentiment of government distrust, and disgust of public figures who display their wretched hearts (and sometimes other parts), for all to see.

Just a thought....


10 November 2007

Gold Standard ??Ideas of a Radical??

"Since your dollars have no intrinsic value, they are subject to currency market fluctuations and ruinous government policies, especially Fed inflationary policies. Every time new dollars are printed and the money supply increases, your income and savings are worth less. Even as you save for retirement, the Fed is working against you. Inflation is nothing more than government counterfeiting by the Fed printing presses. Inflation acts as a hidden tax levied disproportionately on the poor and fixed-income retirees, who find the buying power of their limited dollars steadily diminished. The corporations, bankers, and wealthy Americans suffer far less from this inflation, because they can take advantage of the credit expansion that immediately precedes each new round of currency devaluation." -Ron Paul

Just to entertain myself I looked up historical gold prices. For fun lets say in 1971 you paid $30,000.00 for a house. In 1971 the price of gold was $44.60/ once. Theoretically then the house could have been purchased with roughly 673 ounces of gold. Today 673 ounces of gold is worth $559,936.

Everyone knows that owning a home will bring some kind of wealth overtime, as long as the property can be used. People expect real estate to go up in value, so it makes sense that a house purchased in 1971 is worth so much more today.

However, if you look at this with a twist, it takes on new meaning. If you sold that home in 1971, put $30,000 in a coffee can, and buried it your backyard you would still only have $30,000. Compared to 1971 it would seem like less money when slated against it's actual buying power today. Now if you had taken 673 ounces of gold, and buried it in your back yard you would have a sizable amount of money compared to the value of the same paper money that could have been had for the house.

This example leaves a lot out of the equation. The house may be worth more, or less than the gold because it is real estate which follows a different market. The real point is that the value of the dollar is not stationary and, 36 years ago burying any amount of money would have been a terrible idea. If US dollars were backed by gold.... you would not have done so bad with the same philosophy.

I don't think it says anywhere in the Constitution that he government derives their money from the people. So who then has allowed the government the power to create money out of thin air, and loan it away as if it were something tangible? The way our money system works is likable to children drawing pictures, and then recounting "tall tales". They have imagined something, and put it in picture form to impress themselves and others. The only difference is the imaginations of children don't damage entire nations, and the future hopes of the people therein.

More often than not people put blame for abuses of power on the government, but I believe a fare share of that blame should be carried, and the pains of labor felt by the apathetic electorate.

The Revolution is alive, and the new awakening of the spirit of freedom makes itself known. My countrymen, do not forget the love of your country and her people when you take away the seats of your governors one by one with your ballot of liberty.

09 November 2007

Ron Paul Crazy or Brave?


I love it when politicians and important people get tough questions. When they trivialize complex issues with statements like, "inflation only causes prices from imported goods to go up", I want to scream.
I do not consider myself a radical, nor do I consider Ron Paul a radical. What I think is radical is the Chairmen of the Fed answering a question like he is talking to a bunch of third graders on a playground. I'm no expert, but I'm no idiot either.
Many politicians do this. We all see it. They dodge, duck, and run away hiding their face. Everyone knows Bernanke is a smart guy. Everyone knows Greenspan was a smart guy. Why couldn't Greenspan answer the question, "Do you think we really need a Federal Reserve"?
This is not a conspiracy against the American people.... it is actually happening. It doesn't happen in the secret, in as much as we know rates and monetary supply change, it happens in the open.
Bankers know it, investors know it, THE CHINESE KNOW IT, why the hell can't people sitting in front of their TV's figure it out?
If the Chinese sell off our treasury bills (1.3 trillion), and diversify like they said they would yesterday how do you think investors in America will react?
Has anyone paid attention to the number of foreign currency ETF's that have sprung up in the last year? Do you know why they have sprung up? Because investment advisers everywhere have been advocating Asian, Canadian, and European currency. Consequently, someone is going to capitalize on the demand.
Why is it that Ron Paul is the only one that can ask, "how do you intend to curb inflation with more inflation"?
Ron Paul is really resonating with me. For a country whose government derives it's power from the governed it seems like that power is no longer REGULATED or KEPT IN CHECK by the people. Where are the poeple? Where are the throngs? Where are the charismatic heroes?
When will we thirst for freedom enough? Hopefully before he rivers run dry. Hopefully before hope is lost.
I'm not convinced that Ron Pual has a chance to become the next president for a few reasons. I'm not convinced that Americans are mad enough. I'm not convinced that enough people care or realize what is now happening. I am not convinced enough people are unsatisfied with the status quo. I'm not convinced enough people remember where we came from, or can envision where we are going. I'm not convinced that the fleecing of the American people has become criminal enough for honest men and women to be offended. Outrage is not ripe, and the time for real change has not reached critical mass. Personally I believe Americans know they have it good, and they don't really believe anyone can take it away from them. I think they are wrong. I think we are the subjects of unchecked power, and the victims of a lust for power. There is an ever growing arrogance among the ruling elite. Their sense of duty has been replaced by self righteousness.
I recently read an article about money and campaigns. This article described the science of being elected, and how the amount of money spent is in direct correlation with the odds of winning, I almost threw in the towel.
Ron Paul has made me realize their may be "Hope for America", but he has not convinced me that enough people love freedom the way he does. When the flag symbolizes freedom again, and I see it flying ubiquitous down the streets of America, when God is not a bad word, when the streets are lined with the little man, and when intelligent people can open their eyes to trickery, then we will know hope, love and freedom have been invited to return.

31 May 2007

Appalachian Trail Memorial Day Weekend Pictures

11 May 2007


I don’t claim to be a doctor man I don’t
claim to be real smart
I don’t claim to have all the answers but I know that
you can find them in your heart

It’s hard to tell the truth sometimes when your
scared of what the truth can do
It’s hard to find the answer to your tears when you
try to find the best excuse

growin up ain’t easy when your
cards are dealt face down
and never knowing what tomorrow brings makes to-
day an anxious frown

Its easy followin your parents lead into a
prison of your own devise But its a
sunny mountain miracle if you just
open up your eyes

so when ya look into the mirror for me don’t ya
tell no lies
and when ya walk out your door take off that
ulgy disguise

Cause I can’t believe
and I couldn’t conceive
what it must feel like to hate yourself
in a state of grief
no I can’t conceive
and I can’t believe
how you would ever be a happy man without
bein relieved

Know yourself and
find you a God
search every corner of that saddened soul and
show the world what you got

there’s couple things I learned from a
couple people I love
one day when your feelin down they might
just bring you up

I got in a little trouble one day
and I was gettin a pretty good slappin my uncle said
“Boy if you’d do good things
good things would happen
Son the world ain’t exactly fair
but if ya try to live by a code of honor
you won’t get caught in a snare”

Another time I was sad and cryin
My grandma came and sat down
she said
“There’s always someone else out there’s
gotta a bigger frown,
It ain’t that your problems don’t hurt
just don’t forget there’s somebody else feels a
little closer to dirt”

And then Jesus started to sing
“I can’t believe
and couldn’t conceive
that by doin what’s right
you won’t be relieved
and I can’t conceive
and couldn’t believe
that you got somethin stuck in your heart
I ain’t got in me”

You might not live on easy street you might just
have it real rough
But when they try to back you down you gotta
show those clowns you’re tough

Don’t give in
never lie to yourself and
don’t be afraid to
ask a friend for help

I don’t claim to be a doctor man but I
know one things for real
these are the things that I’ve learned through my struggles and
I got a heart of steel