02 September 2005

You Won't Find Me Monkeying Around

A recent article from National Geographic claims that human DNA is 96 percent similar to that of the chimpanzee.

"Despite the similarities in human and chimp genomes, the scientists
identified some 40 million differences among the three billion DNA
molecules, or nucleotides, in each genome." - National Geographic Magazine

I'm not a scientist, and to be honest I'm really not that smart in the first place, but I find this a little hard to swallow. Just think about the 40 million extra hairs a chimp has, or the last time you made breakfast with your feet. In fact, I can think of other human beings that I couldn't possibly share 4% of anything with. --haha

Something else that really perplexes me is that 3 billion divided by 40 million is 75. So where in the heck does the number 96 come from?

The last time I remember reading about the mapping of the human genome, all we could really do was map, and sometimes we could make sense out of where we were. The big problem is that we do not fully understand how differences in one strand of DNA effect the rest. So how in world do you claim that we are 96 percent similar?

I love animals, and I believe they deserve decency and respect because they are created by God just like me, but I also think they taste good. I don't think I'd have any problem eating a chimp with the right kind of sauces available. Would you eat it even if it said "96% LIKE ME", on the outside of the box?

I think there are too many people trying to erase the line between people and animals, and they are trying a little too hard. The article also claims that Charles Darwin didn't say enough when he said we were descended from chimps. But then again, Charles Darwin also claimed the the fossil record would have more intermediate specimens than it would of existing animals if his theory were true. So where are all the bones man? Where is my cousin Chimper Hogan? I haven't seen him layin around lately. I know according to the book gurus we have a massive family tree, but ask them to arrange it in chronological order and it doesn't make much sense all of the sudden.

My question to all you smart people is, How the heck does this prove that I came from a chimpanzee?

Has anybody been to a big city lately, taken a drive, flown across an ocean, built a house, turned on a laptop, or orbited the moon? None of these things were accomplished by being 96% human, and that monkey that went to space didn't get there herself.

I guess it just kind of bothers me that science tries to play connect the dots with our lives. I don't have any problem with being descended from an ape, but I just want someone to actually prove it. To me it's like the Ancient Egyptians telling people that they die and become a star. "Look it's Orion's Belt.... ooow". They had to connect a lot of dots to make people believe that too. The dots make sense when there are lines drawn between them. But don't forget someone has to draw the line themselves to make the picture come alive.


At Sunday, 11 September, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How 'bout them Buckeyes!!!

At Tuesday, 20 September, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I appreciate the scientific debate, I have to say that the terrorist fighting Grammy needs to go back up top again =)

At Saturday, 15 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Monkeys, Monkeys, Monkeys. And then you also wrote about whales, wolves, bears, and that man who has gastroointestinal problems. Good Grief, you must love learning about and entertaining us with the intersting facts of the animal kingdom. I think you need a hobby. Oh wait, I guess this is supposed to be one. Nevermind, there isn't any hope for you then.


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