02 February 2006

How Can I Know You

I cannot find You in a book

I cannot see You in a house

It seems no matter where I look

I do not know where I am going

Or where I’m coming from

If You would just appear to me

My journey would be done

I would like to believe the wind would lend a hand to me

And sing a happy song while it whistles through the leaves

Leading me to joyful places shining light on darkened spaces

Reinvigorating forgotten promises I broke but still want what is

Contained within the hollow walls of my heart

And yet the life left within me yearns to be a part

Of the voice that calls to me

The whispering barely audible summons to be free

A land so far away

A journey so much unknown

And yet I wish to be there if only gazing on Your throne


At Friday, 03 February, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like it.

At Friday, 03 February, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, and you spelled everything right. congratulations.


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