27 July 2005

The Mundane, but Meaningful

Nothing great is really going on. I really haven't had time to do much of anything lately. I was in Basra for a couple of days, and I will be going back again in a few days.

Me and a another guy I work with watched a helicopter go down not far from where we were walking. Luckily no one was hurt that I know of. They actually hit a steele cable in a no fly zone. The cable happens to be attached to an areostat that my company is contracted to work on.

More importantly I saw for the first time in a couple of years a very good friend of mine. He is married now and has a bunch of kids, which is great, and a heck of a lot better than prison... haha. We joked around about some of the crazy things we did in the Army. We had some laughs like we just saw eachother yesterday. Both of us are now out of the Army working for goverment contractors doing some of the same stuff.

I feel very fortunate to have friends in many places regardless of how much time has past. I always kind of hated moving from place to place, and leaving my entire life in the rear view mirror; however, sometimes my past stumbles right in front of me. It seems that everywhere I go I have a good friend, or make a new one.

Some things about Iraq are starting to wear on me. I am ready for my Christmas vacation NOW! I need a few nights of uninterrupted sleep. I'm tired of jogging around camp and wondering weather the last explosion was incoming or outgoing. I want to eat some good food, and go to a movie. I wanna take a cold shower, which is something I never really liked before, but there is no cold water here so now I want some. I want to go fishing with my grandpa, and play catch with my little brother. I don't want to sleep under a misquito net. I want to drive my car from Columbus to Lima without wearing SAPI plates, and a kevlar helmet. I want to see a pretty girl smile. I just want things to seem normal!!

Being over here makes me realize how much I've always taken for granted, and how truly great my counrty really is. It also brings to mind the importance of cherishing the life I have been aforded, because it is so lush compared to the depravity of what the citizens of Iraq experience daily, and the Coalition Forces for that matter.

You may be one who believes that the war in Iraq is unjustified. You may believe that America is ruled by nation building tyrants, and you are entitled to that belief, but if America gives to Iraq even a small amount of what we already have, then America has done a noble thing. I know that this is happening because I'm here. I know some of the guys that are giving back to the people what Sadam stole from them. I have flown in low flights over Iraqi cities at night and seen the streets full of cars. I know that Iraqis are enjoying many technologies that they could never buy before. I've been in buildings now used by the American military for offices that still have hooks in the cielings -- do you know what they used to be used for? I've seen the looks on Iraqi's faces when Sadam is talked about. I know that they have something to hope for now, and I also know that there are criminals who want to steal from these people much in the same way that Sadam did. My job over here has a very direct influence in finding these violent theives, and I plan to stay for as long as I can stand it, no matter what I want to enjoy in my own country.


At Thursday, 28 July, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what noble thoughts...for a 24 year old Dublin brat you've matured into a wonderful young man who I am very proud of. God be with your every step, watch over you and keep you safe while you do good things for him. I love you my son....Mom

At Saturday, 30 July, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved this blog- Just read it today (Friday)- You should be a writer. I really think I should send your commentary to CNN and all of the other liberal news stations. Hope you are having a good day today! It will be good to see you at Xmas. Be Safe! xoxo

At Saturday, 30 July, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hey.. cant wait for you to come back..We have some dysfunctional holiday celebrating to do... How much longer till your little visit home?
Hugs and smiles :)

At Saturday, 30 July, 2005, Blogger rhoggman said...

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At Saturday, 30 July, 2005, Blogger rhoggman said...

well hey there pretty lady... 21 DEC - 5 JAN, I can't wait to come home... keep smilinig you wear it so well...


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