19 July 2005

Dude, I'm Gettin a Earthship

Why the heck would I wanna do that?
"Cause it's a biotechture, or something... yeah."

No really you gotta check out the Earthship. This is really cool. It may be even cooler if you're a hardcore hippy, but I wouldn't know because I'm not even quasi hippy. But if I was a hippy, I would quit wearing deodorant, and live in an Earthship.

An Earthship is "off the grid" sustainable housing for any climate. In other words you don't pay for utilities, or deodorant. Well maybe you'll still pay for deodorant because that's more of a personal decision.

Some of the Earthships are really nice, and others kinda look like a stinky armpit. I'll let you decide. Visit www.earthship.org.


At Thursday, 28 July, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He said hippy..... =)


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