17 July 2005

Day 1 / part 2

Sorry for all the pictures of me, but don't mess with the Gramster. She's a tough one! I was actually just kinda working out how to post pictures. I was confused for a minute, but luckily my geek brain smoothed everything out.

Wow! Making your own blog is too easy. The internet rocks, and to top it all off it's free. If you want to make your own blog, do what I did. Go to www.blogspot.com and sign up. For easy posting of pictures to your blog don't forget to checkout www.hello.com.

I'm really amazed how easy this is. It does help to know a little bit of html, but other than that it's all cake. I have done everything up to this post in a little over an hour, and most of that time was spent messing around with hello which is an app that lets you post pics to your blog. Once I figured out that you need a caption to publish I was no longer confused.

I just got back to Bagdhad from Balad a couple days ago. I went to Balad en route to FOB Warhorse (Baquabah, Iraq). After a few days at Warhorse I took a convoy down "IED Alley" to get back to Balad. It was a very uncomfortable ride because of all the massive holes in the road from previous IED's that exploded.

I really wish I would have taken a picture of the "Wall of Honor" in Baquabah. This wall was dedicated to service members who have died in that AO. There are about a hundred names on it, and it sets on one of the only patches of grass that I have seen in Iraq.

Later that day after getting off the convoy I realized that I had lost a bunch of clothes. It only took a few minutes for me to remember the wall, and everything was back in perspective. Loosing clothes is a small price to pay in this country.

My heart goes out to every name on that wall.


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