26 July 2006

The Name of My Brother I Do Not Know, He Looks at Me in the Mirror

I really hate the people in the world who kill indiscriminately in the name of their God, or whatever it is they believe. You have to wonder if they in some twisted way believe that me, and people like me are just as evil as the way I see them from the other side of the fence.

Why who where are you

In my world or another

Where little girls are crushed under your hatred

Where the sky rains blood

Where the morning sun brings nothing but the fear of death

Why who where are you

In my world or another

Where our Gods use us as instruments of destruction

Where we are the weapons of war

Do you think They are so helpless??

That they resort to us to fight each other

The cruel place where you live disgusts me

Your crimson dreams of a perfect world deplete the substance of my soul

Your ability to tear the flesh of man

Your self defense of divinity

Your messenger of God who is Death obligation weakens my brain

You make me less of a man because I am like you

You diminish my worth because we are one

You bring shame to my family because you are

My father cries because of His child

The heavens shake in agony

The world screams deep of pain

And there begins a flow of blood that comes before birth

Something new is born and I fear that it will consume us all while we live

Our transgression cries out to be redeemed

But we ask not for, and we do not want the Truth

We have turned our backs

We kneel to the father of lies

Our hearts beat in unison while we follow the path of a murderer

Dark veils cover our faces our eyes and our worldview

We are chained

We are governed

We are given over to

We submit to

We adhere to

We believe in

We stand behind

We support

We hate alike in so many ways

We cannot see we are the same

We stand on different islands

We abandoned our father

We accepted one who is not our own

We follow the same path

And there begins a flow of blood……

And there begins a flow of blood……

My father cries because of His child


At Wednesday, 02 August, 2006, Blogger Jessie of the Neumann Family said...

theres this book i was reading the other day where people were discussing the atrocities they saw on the news and these two uys were talking and one asks the other if he thinks he could ever commit such crimes, and he said no, and then the other guy said how strange it was that we cannot fathom doing something like that, but those people are no different than us. We are all capable of such things, we are all broken. Makes me think.


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