03 May 2007

Knock Knock, is Anybody Home?

The military is cracking down on blogs. Which I think is a shame. Soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen will have a hard time getting their voice heard, while the mainstream media paints a picture for the world.
The opinions of our men and women in uniform are important, and operational security rules and regulations can be followed by well trained individuals who blog.
I think if we are going to silence anyone it should be the doom and gloom reporters who fill our ears, eyes, and hearts with negativity. Furthermore, the media seems to give away more compartmented information than the entire military combined. From Stars and Stripes to Fox News we allow bombs to be dropped on our own front almost daily. Shoot.... even congressmen stealing secrets form the National Archives get a pass.
I guess silencing the troops is the best answer. You never know when haji is going to comb through blogger and myspace for the latest recounting of yesterday's firefight, or pick up a Stars and Stripes and read an article about the latest anti-IED system developed by "BIG CONTRACTOR", how it works, what units are using it, and a color picture to boot. Yeah.... cut off blogging for Joe, that will do the trick.
Please give someone another star on their collar before they come up with another great idea.


Army Squeezes Soldier Blogs, Maybe to Death


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