04 February 2006

She Wants to Be an Oscar Mayer Wiener

I have a friend who made a profound statement (see Title). Although her dream may never come true, there is a possibility that she could become the soul that personifies a giant wiener on wheels. Thereby allowing her to become as much like an Oscar Mayer wiener as humanly possible, without becoming processed food (an actual wiener).
Once again I have succeeded in helping someone else fulfill their life's dream. I should be a life coach to all those who struggle finding their inner dog. Peace Homies

03 February 2006

The Lines are Disappearing

We live in a confusing time. If you are reading this and you are not yet confused please read the following article to be completely and utterly hoodwinked by what the future holds:
Science Makes Sex Obsolete
Evolution never really made much sense to me, because it couldn't ever be proven %100. There have always been holes in the theory that leave too much up to speculation. Not to mention mathematicians and physicists have some pretty convincing numbers that weigh heavy on the side of doubt.
The problem is we have reached a level of intelligence and self direction that allows us to consciously evolve through modern medicine. Evolution is starting to make more sense to me now, but I think old Charlie would have to rewrite his little book.

02 February 2006

How Can I Know You

I cannot find You in a book

I cannot see You in a house

It seems no matter where I look

I do not know where I am going

Or where I’m coming from

If You would just appear to me

My journey would be done

I would like to believe the wind would lend a hand to me

And sing a happy song while it whistles through the leaves

Leading me to joyful places shining light on darkened spaces

Reinvigorating forgotten promises I broke but still want what is

Contained within the hollow walls of my heart

And yet the life left within me yearns to be a part

Of the voice that calls to me

The whispering barely audible summons to be free

A land so far away

A journey so much unknown

And yet I wish to be there if only gazing on Your throne