30 November 2007

Ron Paul is Ronald Regan on Steroids

In his book "The Age of Turbulence Adventures in a New World" on pg.93, Alan Greenspan quotes Ronald Regan Regan asking then Chairmen of the Fed Volcker, "I'm curious. People are asking why we need a Fed at all."

American Aporia, State of Confusion

"wealth does not bring goodness, but goodness brings wealth and every other blessing, both to the individual and to the state" -Socrates

Could it be that the decline of the dollar, and the sub prime mess are directly related to a decrease in "goodness" both at the level of the state, and the individual? Citing sources or referencing science are irrelevant in a perceived level or amount of "goodness" considering the measure is objective. However; I think it is safe to say that the average American shares a growing sentiment of government distrust, and disgust of public figures who display their wretched hearts (and sometimes other parts), for all to see.

Just a thought....


10 November 2007

Gold Standard ??Ideas of a Radical??

"Since your dollars have no intrinsic value, they are subject to currency market fluctuations and ruinous government policies, especially Fed inflationary policies. Every time new dollars are printed and the money supply increases, your income and savings are worth less. Even as you save for retirement, the Fed is working against you. Inflation is nothing more than government counterfeiting by the Fed printing presses. Inflation acts as a hidden tax levied disproportionately on the poor and fixed-income retirees, who find the buying power of their limited dollars steadily diminished. The corporations, bankers, and wealthy Americans suffer far less from this inflation, because they can take advantage of the credit expansion that immediately precedes each new round of currency devaluation." -Ron Paul

Just to entertain myself I looked up historical gold prices. For fun lets say in 1971 you paid $30,000.00 for a house. In 1971 the price of gold was $44.60/ once. Theoretically then the house could have been purchased with roughly 673 ounces of gold. Today 673 ounces of gold is worth $559,936.

Everyone knows that owning a home will bring some kind of wealth overtime, as long as the property can be used. People expect real estate to go up in value, so it makes sense that a house purchased in 1971 is worth so much more today.

However, if you look at this with a twist, it takes on new meaning. If you sold that home in 1971, put $30,000 in a coffee can, and buried it your backyard you would still only have $30,000. Compared to 1971 it would seem like less money when slated against it's actual buying power today. Now if you had taken 673 ounces of gold, and buried it in your back yard you would have a sizable amount of money compared to the value of the same paper money that could have been had for the house.

This example leaves a lot out of the equation. The house may be worth more, or less than the gold because it is real estate which follows a different market. The real point is that the value of the dollar is not stationary and, 36 years ago burying any amount of money would have been a terrible idea. If US dollars were backed by gold.... you would not have done so bad with the same philosophy.

I don't think it says anywhere in the Constitution that he government derives their money from the people. So who then has allowed the government the power to create money out of thin air, and loan it away as if it were something tangible? The way our money system works is likable to children drawing pictures, and then recounting "tall tales". They have imagined something, and put it in picture form to impress themselves and others. The only difference is the imaginations of children don't damage entire nations, and the future hopes of the people therein.

More often than not people put blame for abuses of power on the government, but I believe a fare share of that blame should be carried, and the pains of labor felt by the apathetic electorate.

The Revolution is alive, and the new awakening of the spirit of freedom makes itself known. My countrymen, do not forget the love of your country and her people when you take away the seats of your governors one by one with your ballot of liberty.

09 November 2007

Ron Paul Crazy or Brave?


I love it when politicians and important people get tough questions. When they trivialize complex issues with statements like, "inflation only causes prices from imported goods to go up", I want to scream.
I do not consider myself a radical, nor do I consider Ron Paul a radical. What I think is radical is the Chairmen of the Fed answering a question like he is talking to a bunch of third graders on a playground. I'm no expert, but I'm no idiot either.
Many politicians do this. We all see it. They dodge, duck, and run away hiding their face. Everyone knows Bernanke is a smart guy. Everyone knows Greenspan was a smart guy. Why couldn't Greenspan answer the question, "Do you think we really need a Federal Reserve"?
This is not a conspiracy against the American people.... it is actually happening. It doesn't happen in the secret, in as much as we know rates and monetary supply change, it happens in the open.
Bankers know it, investors know it, THE CHINESE KNOW IT, why the hell can't people sitting in front of their TV's figure it out?
If the Chinese sell off our treasury bills (1.3 trillion), and diversify like they said they would yesterday how do you think investors in America will react?
Has anyone paid attention to the number of foreign currency ETF's that have sprung up in the last year? Do you know why they have sprung up? Because investment advisers everywhere have been advocating Asian, Canadian, and European currency. Consequently, someone is going to capitalize on the demand.
Why is it that Ron Paul is the only one that can ask, "how do you intend to curb inflation with more inflation"?
Ron Paul is really resonating with me. For a country whose government derives it's power from the governed it seems like that power is no longer REGULATED or KEPT IN CHECK by the people. Where are the poeple? Where are the throngs? Where are the charismatic heroes?
When will we thirst for freedom enough? Hopefully before he rivers run dry. Hopefully before hope is lost.
I'm not convinced that Ron Pual has a chance to become the next president for a few reasons. I'm not convinced that Americans are mad enough. I'm not convinced that enough people care or realize what is now happening. I am not convinced enough people are unsatisfied with the status quo. I'm not convinced enough people remember where we came from, or can envision where we are going. I'm not convinced that the fleecing of the American people has become criminal enough for honest men and women to be offended. Outrage is not ripe, and the time for real change has not reached critical mass. Personally I believe Americans know they have it good, and they don't really believe anyone can take it away from them. I think they are wrong. I think we are the subjects of unchecked power, and the victims of a lust for power. There is an ever growing arrogance among the ruling elite. Their sense of duty has been replaced by self righteousness.
I recently read an article about money and campaigns. This article described the science of being elected, and how the amount of money spent is in direct correlation with the odds of winning, I almost threw in the towel.
Ron Paul has made me realize their may be "Hope for America", but he has not convinced me that enough people love freedom the way he does. When the flag symbolizes freedom again, and I see it flying ubiquitous down the streets of America, when God is not a bad word, when the streets are lined with the little man, and when intelligent people can open their eyes to trickery, then we will know hope, love and freedom have been invited to return.