31 October 2005

Why Bill Gates Will Be Rich For a Long Time

OK, so I thought I would take some time out of my monotonous toil to talk “super nerd” to all you people who read my blog. Here is the deal: Microsoft is a ravenous hog boasting overwhelming market share as an operating system on the home PC, and it still wears the crown in the server market as well. However; there are other choices out there, and you do not have to run Microsoft Windows on your home PC. The only problem is if you want to run Linux you have to subconsciously subscribe to virtual Communism, and spend lots of time performing arduous tasks without ever receiving great benefits. It’s a lot like performing surgery on brains and getting a loaf of bread as a reward.

I have been messing around with Linux for years simply because it poses a challenge to what normally would be a simple task, and using it kind of makes me feel like I’m part of an elite group of brain geeks that I otherwise would never be associated with. For most people computer use doesn’t amount to much more than browsing the web or creating a document, and these tasks would not be a problem under Linux. But I can’t satisfy myself just surfing the web. My most recent battle with Linux has stemmed from failed software on the Windows side of the world.

I bought a video camera and some fancy software that I could use to make movies; however, the software doesn’t capture the video off of the tape the way it is supposed to. Naturally, I’m not going to buy something else because I ‘m too perturbed that what I already paid for doesn’t do what I want it to. I decided to look to the open-source community to see if anything else was available. This in turn caused me to lose a lot of valuable time and energy fighting the Linux beast.

Open-Source is the subconscious communism I mentioned earlier. There are millions of people who write software for free as a part of a giant community. These people share what they have created with one another to support the authoring of any kind of program you can think of from MS Office clones to obscure networking tools. The point is they do it for free, and they do it very well. Something is wrong with that. For example, more than half of the web pages you visit on the internet are more than likely published to the web with an open-source web server called Apache. To make a long story short Linux, and most of the applications that work with it are built under the open-source ideology. Hence, Everything is free, and perfectly suited to nerdy college students with no money and lots of time.

The problem with the many flavors of Linux, and why none of them will be found on your desktop anytime soon is that simple tasks require lots of learning, patients, geekiness, more patients, relearning, and communism. Yes I know, every computer sold at Best Buy or wherever comes preinstalled with MS Windows so most people take it for granted that they are forced to use Windows. They think they are buying a desktop or a laptop, but they are also paying Microsnot for a copy of XP. The good part about this is that many people never do any type of hardware configuration, or driver installation. They just think MS Windows works, so they go about smiling thinking they are masters of the webiverse, and if they do have to install a driver for a piece of hardware it is not that hard to figure out. Imagine this: spending 8 hours searching through webpages, downloading files, configuring text files, and wanting to beat people because you are trying to make a wireless card work. I have done it without actually beating anyone, and it isn’t fun.

Escaping the tyrannical rule of Microsoft is hard work, and you end up treading in the marshes of free, software sharing, communist, hippy, techie, morons that are brainwashed by software despots of the open-source world. They think their open-source way is pure and unadulterated computing bliss. It makes me want to cuss furiously. Microsnot costs a fortune if you actually buy everything, Linux makes you see red, Apple OSX is for rich people who want to buy their way into intelligence, but some of us see past the MAC status thing. MACs are worthless, but they look cool... I get it. So I guess I will keep beating into Linux because it is a good alternative when all the options are weighed carefully.

Although Linux has come a long way, and I’m sure more and more people will become familiar with it, IT STILL SUCKS! I will however have to congratulate UBUNTU for sliding right onto my laptop alongside Windows complete with dual boot action, but Linux still makes me insanely pissed off.

OK, so I wanted to install one program called cinelerra. This program is video production software. It is advanced, thourough, and free. So I do a little reading knowing beforehand I’m not going to be able to download cinelerra, do a double click, and then video edit my way to stardom. I thought I could accomplish the task, but I was wrong. First I had to edit the sources.list file to tell apt where to go to get the software I was going to download. When that broke apt I had to figure out why. It was a “./” at the end of line 34 in the /etc/apt/sources.list file. Then I had to edit the gpg key so that I could have access to the ftp directory where some of the files I needed resided, but I had to find special commands to do this because debian uses a program called sudo that grants root access to individual users. After that I had to update apt before I could use it to install any programs or else my entries in the sources.list file would not work, look up some more commands for searching and installing packages through apt, and then found out the package dependencies could not be resolved because one of the dependent required package versions was not >,= (greater than or equal to) the version on the ftp server. I tried hard looking for another repository I could add to my sources, but to no avail. Basically if you understood any of what I just said you are ahead of the computing game. If it made you want to quit reading this post, then you are normal. The point is, Linux is so far away from user friendly that even a name like Breezy Badger is not going to score any points with Windows users. By the way, the version of Linux I installed was Ubuntu Breezy Badger. What the hell is that supposed to mean anyways?

I won’t give up, but if I get the chance to slap a Linux guru before I die you can take bets it's going to leave a mark.


Linux closing in on Microsoft market share, study says

19 October 2005

It is Sanding Outside

OK I took these pictures at 1:oo PM GMT +3. Basically, that means directly after stuffing my belly full of food. It was orange outside. Maybe God was watching the Sadam trial on T.V. and let out a big Doritos burp. Whatever is going on it is getting dirt everywhere.

16 October 2005

The Infectious Ipod Plagues the Soul

OK..... I can't decide which of the following is more rational to do: Pretend the Ipod didn't morph into another cooler being than it already was, pretend that I don't need a device on which to download T.V., music, podcasts, and audiobooks, or go to counseling for being a geek and thinking the ipod is cool in the first place. I had to leave out the "war with Apple" category for making me and other helpless morons spend money on a device that will probably keep getting better, and thereby pilfering more money from nerds who want their legal intelligent version of crack.
If you didn't already know you will soon be able to download TV shows legally through Itunes, and play them back on the new Ipod (shown above). That is a picture off the apple.com webpage. I hope posting it is legal. hmmm Anyways, does anyone out there understand any of this, or am I all alone in the world of geekdom?
This is gonna murder Tivo and cable companies too. I mean, in the long run all we are really going to need is a sick internet connection, some big HDTV's, lots of hard drive space, and ipods. Or better yet, as soon as they can fit all this crap into a cell phone its over.
You start thinking about what's going on here. We are being baited slowly but surely until electronics take over the world. All they have to do is entertain us into oblivion, and it's goodnight to the human race.
The Matrix is on the horizon. Pretty soon all these people pleasing computer devices are going to fool us into a whole separate reality. We are being used by a giant machine in the sky. That is why I have decided to move to the woods and start working on my manifesto. I wanna go buy a new Ipod first though.