25 June 2008

Inflation... The Evil Flesh Eating Disease

When you think about rising fuel prices, and the ever increasing burden upon your empty stomach; when you think about the plight of the consumer, and the pocketbook pillaging of the common man know who wages this war against you. Know that unfortunate events have not mistakenly fallen upon you. Know that flag toting wolves in patriot's clothing have stripped you of your livliehood. Know that nearly every man and woman gracing the halls of our Congress should be wearing a badge of shame for their mishandling of the principles for which they are sworn to uphold, and know that greed is the abismal epicenter from which this monster of mayhem has arisen.
First they passed the 16th Ammendment so they could take your money directly from you. Then they made you trade in your gold and silver money and wiped away the promise that your money was actually worth something. They sold off the wealth that was once America's and traded it for a fractional reserve banking system run by private bankers. They slowly debased your currency, and inflation made it pointless for you to save your money without "investing". Instead of buying things with money you have saved they decided to sell you your own dreams.
You were once an American, and now you are a pennyless fool.
Selling dreams is very profitable.... especially when you have the power to create the dream with a printing press, but this could only last so long. The manipulation of fiat money backed by nothing has a limit.
What happens now when people can't pay their bills? Uh... banks can't pay their bills.... When banks can't pay their bills they go bankrupt. When banks go bankrupt, they leave mountains of unpaid debt which only makes waves instead of ripples appear on the surface of the inflationary sea.
Buy Gold and silver while you still can!