12 May 2006

To God and The People Who Don’t Know Me

What do I want

I should bless it I’ve been told

But they also said that I’m a parked car

In no direction growing cold

I lack faith because the voices are not clear enough to hear

I ask “are they are voices if they never reach my ear”

Faith does not blindly lead

Unless it has become a whim

And less than anything concrete

May not come from Him

If you talk of fear I’ll be an honest man

I am afraid of what I’m not

And how I’ll get there in the end

Sometimes you need to know

What fate would beg of you

If fate so begs a man

Then let faith tell the truth

Then again I may be a rock

Lying sullen on the ground

Knowing nothing is my own

And wishing to be found

A rock driven into action

From ages sitting still

To become a giant castle

Merely sitting on a hill

Or maybe I could become a rolling stone

Leaving paths marked by my passing

On my long road to my home

But I say that they are all mistaken

Looking in from somewhere small

Not seeing the many directions

Of a life of lives like all others in it’s fall

It must rest when it reaches the top

And others see it not so

Because they have only lived in one direction

As they teeter to and fro

All I ask is for a word

Or a sentence if you please

And you’ll see this rock of quiet stillness

Fly before you like the breeze

I am a man of action

How did you think that I appeared

To those that are around me

Was it what I didn’t hear?

I have accomplished more than I thought I would

By standing where a coward could not have stood

By casting fear aside I have learned there’s more to fear

In the little things of life when love is nowhere near

I could travel all the word and wade my way through snares of death

But without love I am unmoving when it comes to finding rest

I will be the rock you hate until I find the words I need

To bring me back to home in adoration on my knees

06 May 2006

More to Come..........

Ok, so I haven’t wrote about anything in a while….. Pretty much because I haven’t had much time. Now I am in Ramadi, Iraq. Hopefully I can find some new things to talk about. Seeya in a few days.